Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Six months already.

I had my six month biopsy yesterday and the results were again great. The rejection was very little. I now only have to return for monthly doctor visits. No more scheduled biopsy's. Unbelievable.
Brian K. Gilliam

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Donate Life Texas

As Jamie mentioned, the organization that she is referring to is Donate Life Texas. It's simple and quick and easy to enroll. As a donor you might even save more than one life (as was the case of the donor that saved my life). Prior to my transplant, someone that had been through what I was about to go through said going from heart failure to a heart transplant, you just trade one set of problems for a different set of problems. Transplants effect everyone differently. I have been blessed that to this point my body's rejection of the new heart has been very low. This means I feel very good, better than I have felt in years. I have returned to work full time with no restrictions, and play golf almost weekly and exercise regularly with no pain. One more thing about the donor deal, you must tell someone that you are a donor, preferably a family member.

And if you are wandering, yes I am a donor, my donor card stays in my wallet. My thoughts and prayers and sincere thanks are with the family that lost their loved one, and made a unbelievable donation that I and another person in need of a lung might continue to live.

Brian K. Gilliam
Heart transplant recipient November 23rd 2008

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Doing Amazing!

Since my dad hasn't updated in a while, I just thought I'd let you all know that he is doing amazing! Today on his 47th Birthday he could probably fit into clothes he wore in highschool. He is working hard and playing as much golf as possible.

Recently my dad was told by his amazing doctors that he is about to endure his last regularly scheduled biopsy. From now on, he'll just have check-ups to monitor his progress.

Two weeks ago he took my husband and I to an Astros game along with my mom and we all had a blast! I'm so thankful to have my healthy happy father back. Our family is so lucky to have received such an amazing gift.

If you live in Texas, and you want to help people the way my dad was helped you should check out this website that my best friend Kellie Miles showed me and sign up right away!

Monday, January 26, 2009

Just a note, still doing great. I return for a biopsy next Monday then just once a month after that !! Getting stronger everyday. Doing things I haven't been able to do in years ( like walking without being out of breathe). It's more than amazing..It's a miracle.
God is good.
chads dad

Friday, January 2, 2009

note from Brian

Didn't know this blog thing was such a big deal. I sure have received lots of comments about it.
I tried to enter a note from the hospital one time but didn't know what I was doing so It didn't work. Sorry. Thanks a lot to my daughter Jamie for doing this for me. I am at home and so grateful and healing well now. My new heart was a little stubborn, so we should get along fine. It was wanting to do it's own thing, which was not what all of my doctors wanted so my stay in the hospital was longer than the average. Right now I return to the hospital once every two weeks and then eventually once every three weeks etc, etc, having a heart cath and biopsy done. This tells the doctors how much (or how little) my body is rejecting the new heart. Depending of the results from the biopsy, changes are made in the many medications that I take. Eventually and God willing, I will reach a point where my visits will be once a year to my doctors office.

So the most asked question...Do I feel different?...better?...worse?...

Well yes I do feel different. I can feel the strength of the new heart. I'm not running marathons or anything. But I do have several golf games scheduled on down the road with several doctors that are responsible for me being alive right now, and get this not one of them play golf. They say I'll have to teach them. SCARY HUH.

My work email is working on my computer at home as I am trying to get back involved at Tejas Materials (slowly as I have been threatened by my doctors not to overdue anything just yet) anyway bgilliam@tejasmaterials.com

I thank everyone for your thoughts and prayers, letters, cards, emails, visits, and how you helped me by helping Kim and the girls so many times and so many ways. Thanks to my sisters for helping me at the hospital and taking time away from your family to help mine. Thanks to the flooring company, and crew that layed my floor. How generous and beautiful it is. My brother-in -law and sister for instigating that. All of my family for their support. My girls who shared many smiles and tears with me. GMS, and Tejas Materials Inc. Brian Hughey who wouldn't let me give up through some tough times over the last four years. All of my family and friends at Tejas who I miss very much.

Many more I will try to acknowledge over time.

Everyone at Methodist Hospital, the best hospital in the world. The Houston Texans, Chester Pitts, Kris Brown, Steve Slaton, Kevin Walters and Toro the bull for building my spirits.

My dear wife Kim who I believe has been through more than I and remains so strong when I was so weak. A family that I have yet been able to contact that tragically lost a son whose name I don't know. They spent Thanksgiving and Christmas without their child in 2008. Because of your donation I have been given a second chance on life. My son chad whose spirit is always by my side. My Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

Brian K. Gilliam

Thursday, January 1, 2009

Houston Texans Visit

Here are some photos from my visit with the Houston Texans, when I was in the hospital. Enjoy!

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas!!

Hi everyone! We're having a wonderful Christmas at home with family. We hope your day is as special as ours this year!